Skilled Manpower Connect Ltd recognises that employees are the greatest company asset, and is committed to maintaining a strong, solid and happy workforce. When the need arises to replace a member of it’s workforce, or expand its workforce, the company will fill vacancies in accordance with the company Recruitment Policy and Equality & Diversity Policy.

Fairness and equality for many people is no longer an aspiration, but an expectation and with this in mind Skilled Manpower Connect will ensure that everyone is treated fairly, with respect and welcomes all sections of the community.

Skilled Manpower Connect Ltd aim to; abide by legal obligations, promote diversity amongst the workforce, respond to changing demographics and working patterns, and to ensure all candidates are treated fairly and honestly to ensure the best person for the vacancy is appointed, based solely on ability, skills and experience.

Skilled Manpower Connect Ltd has a legal responsibility to ensure that no unlawful discrimination occurs during the recruitment process on the grounds of sex, race, disability, age, sexual orientation and religion or belief. Due regard is given to the provisions and compliance of:

    • Equal Pay Act 1970
    • Sex Discrimination Act 1975
    • Race Relations Act 1976
    • Disability Discrimination Act 1995
    • Employment Right Act 1996
    • Employment Act 2002  Employment Equality (Religion/Belief) 2003
    • Employment Equality (sexual Orientation) 2003
    • Employment Equality Age Reg’s 2006
    • The Equality Act 2006
    • The Equality Act (Sexual Orientation) 2007
    • All other relevant legislation and Approved Codes of Practices.

Full details of the recruitment procedures are contained within the Recruitment Policy which is available on request. The implementation of the Recruitment Policy is the direct responsibility of the Managing Director. All other employees of the Company have a duty to assist him in this undertaking and ensure best practices during the recruitment process.


David Allan

Managing Director.

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